Our Services

It's Like Baking A Cake

Just like in the kitchen every ingredient and every utensil serves a purpose. Our video optimization process is detailed and ever changing to get the best results that we can for you!

Google wants to promote its own videos so we use its internal marketing strategy to your benefit.  This in turn gives you more staying power and builds a foundation for your ranking compared to alternative SEO strategies.

In addition to our video strategy we create original content articles that are filled with keywords and other tags and backlinks to give your posts an extra boost.

We then take all that we have created and upload it on multiple landing pages on multiple websites. This gives even more validity to your content and raises your ranking even more.

More Info

Video! Video! Video!

 Google bought YouTube in 2006 and since then they have used it to create the world's largest Video Index Library. Creating a noticeable presence on YouTube directly effects your Google ranking and that is where our strategy begins.

Understand Your Target

By using specific keywords where you want to be seen you can start to carve out your online territory. Dominate your competition and be the first thing people see when they are looking for your service.


Getting to Page 1 of Google might come quick but staying on top is the most important thing when dealing with any online marketing. Creating new and original content is the only way to stay on the top of  Googles radar.

Stand Out

Getting a link on Page 1 is a great accomplishment but once that's done there's still 20 others that look just like you. We create a thumbnail with your company logo and information so that every eye is drawn to your business first!


Included in all of our packages is the use of YouTube Ads. Our base base level offers on average over 3,000 views per video a month directed towards people that are already looking for your services.

Web Design

If your website is in need of some TLC we can help update the look and feel of your business. Remember, this is the first thing customers will see when researching your business. Make sure that it is compatible for smartphones as well.

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