Who We Are

Who We Are

Be More Than Just a Link!

SEO Doctor is committed to your online marketing success. We have developed new SEO exposer techniques that are 80% more likely to yield results then your traditional online marketing approach. 60-70% of our client online exposer comes from SEO, 10-15% from social media, and the remaining amount from direct traffic (discovery by alternative means).

DOMINATE with VIDEO. We create new videos and video events each month to ensure that your business is as relevant as possible. These videos are then used to drive awareness and traffic to your website. Google is the #1 driver of business in the US and YouTube is a close 2nd. By consistently feeding these two sources, we are able to dramatically affect your ranking and positioning amongst your competition. Depending on the competition level of your industry, the timeliness of results is directly affected by how aggressive your approach is.

Be More Than Just a Link!

SEO Doctor is committed to your online marketing success. We have developed new SEO exposer techniques that are 80% more likely to yield results then your traditional online marketing approach. 60-70% of our client online exposer comes from SEO, 10-15% from social media, and the remaining amount from direct traffic (discovery by alternative means).

DOMINATE with VIDEO. We create new videos and video events each month to ensure that your business is as relevant as possible. These videos are then used to drive awareness and traffic to your website. Google is the #1 driver of business in the US and YouTube is a close 2nd. By consistently feeding these two sources, we are able to dramatically affect your ranking and positioning amongst your competition. Depending on the competition level of your industry, the timeliness of results is directly affected by how aggressive your approach is.

Why Is SEO Important Now and in the Future?

Could you imagine owning a business 20 years ago and not buying an ad in the yellow pages. It was a necessity of doing business and it worked!

Now apply that same thought to todays business climate. Could you survive without advertising your services.? This time around though you're not putting a print ad in a book you're putting a highly complex system together to target the people who are already looking for your service.

Times are always changing and this is no exception. With Google expansive network growing you can be certain they are here to stay. Our system of developing your online presence is rooted in Googles own strategy to ensure your sustained growth.

We Would love to help your business!

Open up to a new audience by dominating your areas searches.

Give us a call today!

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We Would love to help your business!

Open up to a new audience by dominating your areas searches.

Give us a call today!

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